Jan 21: Configuring i3 & What are .bashrc files

Today we went over how to configure the tiling window manager, i3, by editing it's configuration file. I also explained the use of the hidden files .bashrc, .bash_aliases, .profile, etc.


i3 config

bindsym $mod+Shift+f exec --no-startup-id firefox

Feel free to email me any questions you have about my config file. There is a lot of stuff in there which I didn't go over, but I can explain it to you if you want.

position top

.bashrc, .bash_aliases, .profile, etc.

. ~/path/to/shellScript
source ~/path/to/shellScript
alias 'mt=cd ~/Documents/school/math'
alias 'myShortcut=this is a long command with many words'


set -o vi